Custom made Skill Programs:
To assist our client in their specific training needs, RiskCom S.A. (Pty) Ltd have 25 Accredited subject with HWSeta. Clients choose 2 (two or more) unit standard from our list of accredited subjects to create their own Skill Program. After HWSeta have approved Skill Program client can register student to obtain necessary skill.
HWSeta Accredited Unit Standards
- 9964 : Apply health and safety to a work area
- 14656 : Demonstrate an understanding of sexuality and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS
- 119454 : Maintain and adapt oral/signed communication
- 119553 : Take action to address impact on the environment
- 119558 : Work with, use and care for materials and resources which can impact on health and the environment
- 120325 : Monitor, report and advise on the application of safety and health principles regarding the movement of people and materials in and around a working place
- 120330 : Conduct a continuous risk assessment in a workplace
- 120331 : Demonstrate knowledge pertaining to fires in working places
- 120333 : Conduct, report and follow up on a pre-use, safety and/or audit inspection
- 120337 : Demonstrate knowledge pertaining to the preparation, conducting, recording and follow-up actions of a planned task observation in a working place
- 120344 : Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of relevant current occupational health and safety legislation
- 120496 : Provide risk-based primary emergency care/first aid in the workplace
- 254221 : Prevent musculoskeletal injuries to self during lifting and carrying activities
- 259597 : Explain emergency preparedness and response procedures
- 259599 : Participate in the establishment, implementation and monitoring of a health and safety agreement
- 259600 : Participate in the implementation and evaluation of an environmental management programme in the workplace
- 259601 : Participate in the implementation and evaluation of a safety and health management programme in the workplace
- 259602 : Describe sources of and control measures for noise in a workplace
- 259604 : Verify compliance to safety, health and environmental requirements in the workplace
- 259609 : Demonstrate an understanding of Occupational Hygiene
- 259617 : Conduct an investigation into workplace safety, health and environmental incidents
- 259620 : Manoeuvre materials safely by hand in a workplace
- 259622 : Describe the functions of the workplace health and safety representative
- 259624 : Control workplace hazards and risks
- 259639 : Explain basic health and safety principles in and around the workplace