Construction Regulations 2014 – Competent Person

Competent person is defined as:-

  • “A person who has in respect of the work or task to be performed, the required knowledge, training, experience and where applicable, qualifications specific to that work or task. Provided that where appropriate qualifications and training are registered in terms of the provisions of the National Qualifications Framework Act, 2000 (Act 67 of 2000), those qualifications and that training must be regarded as the required qualifications and training, and
  • Is familiar with the Act and with the applicable regulations made under the Act.”

Where ever the Construction Regulations refers to competency / competent person / competent it is important to ensure that the (a) – (e) is considered when designating a person to perform specific tasks and verifying that person’s abilities to comply.

A competent person is an employee / consultant who;

  • Holds a qualification specific to the work or task to be performed. If there is a registered qualification with the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) then all training and qualifications must comply with the registered qualifications;
  • Has in respect of the work or task to be performed, the required knowledge, training, experience and where applicable, qualifications specific to that work or task;
  • Is familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and is able to recognize existing and predictable hazards associated with a particular task, and has the ability to mitigate those hazards. Many OSHA construction standards require someone onsite to be designated as a competent person;
  • Have authority to take corrective action;
  • With regard to the correct interpretation of the OHSAct and Regulatory requirements have been trained well informed by a competent service provider;

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